CTLT Institute facilitators design and deliver workshops to share their practice, experience, and research around teaching, learning, and technology. As Institute facilitators, you are expected to model effective teaching practices and are strongly encouraged to support participants in translating knowledge into their respective teaching practice during workshops.
As part of the preparation, you are welcomed to connect with the organizers for consultation and feedback and to communicate your emerging needs for support.
Together, you help build our collective capacities in producing meaningful and authentic learning experiences and hold our teaching and learning community at UBC accountable for engaging in innovative, inclusive, student-centered teaching practices.
All CTLT Institute facilitators are invited to participate in a Facilitation Development Workshop where we connect with our fellow facilitators and deepen our facilitation skills in a peer-based, supportive environment by sharing ideas and experiences.
As a new facilitator, you are encouraged to co-facilitate with a more experienced facilitator or to be paired with a CTLT staff for your first workshop delivery; engaging in an apprenticeship-like mentorship to learn and deepen your facilitation skills in a supportive and constructive environment.
CTLT Institutes offer a platform for you to share your teaching practice, experience, and research with a diverse audience at UBC and beyond.
As a Graduate Student
While facilitation-as-service may be seen as an investment in your career, we invite you to be thoughtful and intentional about what you would like to gain through contributing your valuable time in this way. It is important to consider whether and how adding this facilitation experience may contribute to your CV, professional skills, personal goals, or professional network.
If facilitating at an Institute is something that fits into your existing available time and aligns with your goals, supporting your fellow graduate students in developing effective teaching and learning practices, prioritizing their personal wellness, and navigating the various demands of graduate studies may be a good opportunity for you to deepen your facilitative teaching skills, to diversify your academic and/or teaching portfolios, and to connect with a community of like-minded peers who will challenge, encourage, and support you in your growth and ongoing professional development.
As a Staff Member
Sharing your work at CTLT Institutes may be an opportunity to increase awareness of the services that you and your unit(s) are providing to the UBC community. Facilitating a session to disseminate your work may help to increase your reach and impact, as well as invite potential collaborations.
As a Faculty Member
Facilitating a session at CTLT Institutes may be considered as evidence of Educational Leadership, defined as “activity taken at UBC and elsewhere to advance innovation in teaching and learning with impact beyond one’s classroom” (Faculty Relations Collective Agreement Article 4.04).
Facilitating a session is an opportunity for you to share your learner-centred teaching practices and to inspire your colleagues to engage (further) in evidence-based teaching. Given that CTLT Institutes are generally well attended by members of our teaching and learning community at UBC, as well as other educators in the community at large, facilitating a workshop can have an impact on teaching and learning.
CTLT Institute organizers coordinate the administrative and logistical requirements for the workshops and maintain active communication with facilitators throughout to provide information regarding workshop facilities, registration numbers and program evaluation. Institute organizers offer consultation appointments to Institute facilitators at request and host a Facilitation Development Workshop for Institute facilitators’ development.
In collaboration with and with permissions of our Institute facilitators, the organizers will curate post-workshop materials and relevant resources online for all Institute participants.
As a faculty member, you own all the intellectual property to the workshop materials that you created. However, it is important to familiarize yourself with Policy 81, as you may be sharing some of your teaching materials (developed for credit courses) in the context of these professional development workshops.
By terms of this policy, where the University has made a material contribution to the teaching material, it may assert a non-exclusive license to make use of the content in credit courses. Guidelines for interpreting the policy provide further information on its implementation, particularly as it pertains to work produced in collaboration with other University personnel (which may include staff members from CTLT).
Please contact the CTLT Institute Coordinator, Ainsley Camps at ainsley.camps@ubc.ca.