2021 Winter Institute

The 2021 CTLT Winter Institute will take place online from December 6-9. The CTLT Winter Institute will focus on the fundamentals of online teaching and learning issues and is designed to help participants enhance their understanding of sound online teaching practices and how to implement them in their teaching contexts. The theme of this year’s Winter Institute is Sustainable, Inclusive and Thriving Communities. Session materials and relevant resources are curated on the UBC Wiki to support your ongoing learning.

“We define sustainability as simultaneous improvements in human and environmental wellbeing.” – UBC Strategic Plan, Shaping UBC’s Next Century (p. 39).

Schedule of Events (PDF)

Please see below for a detailed schedule and to register for sessions.

Teaching Professionalism: Nailing Jell-O to the Wall?

December 6, 2021 | 9 – 10:30 am | Zoom

Teaching, assessing, and remediating professionalism is challenging, due to its multifaceted nature, the influence of context, and lack of a clear definition. In this workshop, four conceptualizations of professionalism (knowledge, behaviour, values and identity) will be explored with a focus on designing learning methodologies to address each of these. Participants will explore and co-create approaches which are evidence informed and are clearly linked to specific professionalism outcomes.


  • Sue Murphy, Head, Department of Physical Therapy, UBCV

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Lightweight Integrated Socio-Emotional Practices to Support Students’ Wellbeing

December 6, 2021 | 11 am – 12 pm | Zoom

Learning is a social and emotional activity. Unfortunately, most instructors lack the time and resources to focus on student affect during lectures, and student wellbeing is consigned to activities outside the lecture hall. As we see a rise in mental health issues in university students, there is a need for integrated approaches to support student wellbeing. This session will first make a case for lightweight, integrated practices and then demonstrate some of the practices. Practices that are brief and easy to implement can be integrated into lecture sessions to help students without detracting from learning outcomes or placing an undue burden on course instructors.


  • Oluwakemi Ola, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Computer Science

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An Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

December 6, 2021 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Zoom

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) uses systematic inquiry into student learning with the goal of advancing the practice of teaching by making inquiry findings public (Hutchings, & Shulman, 1999). During this session we will break down the definition of SoTL, explain the value of inquiry for determining the impact of teaching practices on student learning, and how to start the journey of becoming a SoTL practitioner. This workshop will offer attendees a chance to develop a deeper understanding of SoTL and learn how to overcome some of the most common challenges for initiating a SoTL project in their own classrooms.


  • Adriana Briseño-Garzón, Senior Manager, Research and Evaluation
  • Paulina Semenec, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Facilitator

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Emerging Media in the Classroom: Introduction to the UBC Emerging Media Lab

December 6, 2021 | 3 – 4 pm | Zoom

The Emerging Media Lab specializes in the development of teaching, learning and research projects using emerging technologies like virtual reality and machine learning. This orientation introduces the available tools and resources at the Emerging Media Lab, including an overview of recent projects, in-depth discussions on the educational applications of each technology, and how you can get involved in experimenting with these technologies for teaching and learning purposes. Attendees will gain an understanding of what collaboration opportunities exist with the Emerging Media Lab, as well as how to involve Emerging Media Lab resources in your classrooms.


  • Saeed Dyanatkar, UBC Studios and Emerging Media Lab Executive Producer
  • Catherine Winters, Emerging Media Lab Supervisor
  • Daniel Lindenberger, Emerging Media Mentor

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Promising Practices to Embed Wellbeing in Learning Environments

December 7, 2021 | 9 – 10:30 am | Zoom

Everyone, especially instructors who interact with our students on a regular basis, plays an important role in supporting student mental health and wellbeing. In this session, participants will have an opportunity to connect with each other and share creative ideas on embedding strategies that foster wellbeing in their work. Key resources on connecting students to support and services will be included.


  • Amanda Unruh, Health Promotion Specialist

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Toward the Equitable Teaching of Speaking

December 7, 2021 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Zoom

This session will develop a conversation on inclusive speaking pedagogies. It will invite participants to examine how they teach speaking skills in the context of their disciplines and courses—how they value it and evaluate it—and will provide resources and supports for participants to move toward a more equitable pedagogy of speaking. With an emphasis on “linguistic social justice,” we will examine tacit values surrounding accent and dress (what does it mean to “speak clearly” or “dress professionally”?) and work together to confront some of the barriers that students face when speaking, informally or formally, in scholarly settings.


  • Moberley Luger, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of English Language and Literatures + Coordinated Arts Program
  • Craig Stensrud, PhD Candidate and GRA, Department of English Language and Literatures

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Collectively Improving Literacy Surrounding Indigeneity, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with Reading Groups

December 8, 2021 | 9 – 10:30 am | Zoom

This session will provide an overview of three different facilitated reading group models that took place within the Faculty of Science during 2021 to engage faculty, staff, and students in conversations about equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity. In particular, we will highlight the outcomes of the reading group for Braiding Sweetgrass and engage the participants in a short, facilitated discussion of an excerpt of the book to highlight the types of questions and discussions that arise from engaging with this book.


  • Ashley Welsh, Faculty Liaison, CTLT & Skylight
  • Jaclyn Dee, Lecturer, Botany Department
  • Christine Goedhart, Science Education Specialist, Botany & Skylight

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Preparing Students to Write: Using Team-Based Learning to Boost Student Confidence

December 8, 2021 | 11 am – 12 pm | Zoom

This session will introduce instructors to team-based learning (TBL)— an approach that uses a flipped classroom and collaborative, active learning activities to foster student engagement and learning — and team-based learning strategies instructors can use to prepare students for writing assignments. While TBL is commonly used in science and engineering courses, it’s less commonly used in writing courses or in lessons that focus on writing. TBL, however, is ideally suited to providing students with explicit, scaffolded writing instruction that helps students build confidence prior to a writing assignment, like a research paper, proposal, or article/book review.


  • Rebecca Carruthers Den Hoed, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Writing, Research, and Discourse Studies (WRDS), School of Journalism, Writing, and Media

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What Would an Accessible University Look Like? Perspectives of Disabled Instructors at UBC

December 8, 2021 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Zoom

In this workshop, you will learn what accessibility and inclusivity mean to instructors with disabilities and gain insights into what types of support and resources might be effective in making the university more accessible and inclusive. Facilitators will share key findings from a survey and one-on-one consultations with UBCO & UBCV faculty and graduate student TAs with disabilities about challenges they face in the context of teaching and the levels of instructional support and professional development resources provided by university. This will be followed by a panel of instructors with disabilities as they discuss the experiences of teaching at UBC and the strategies they have developed as well as institutional best practices. This workshop is offered primarily for instructors with disabilities and there will be an opportunity for open discussion and networking. Non-disabled faculty and students are also welcome but with the understanding that the workshop will centre the needs and experiences of instructors with disabilities.


  • Corin de Freitas, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography
  • Shota Iwasaki, PhD Candidate, Department of Asian Studies
  • Sharalyn Orbaugh, Professor, Department of Asian Studies
  • Ayaka Yoshimizu, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Asian Studies

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3D Virtual Objects in the Classroom

December 8, 2021 | 3 – 4 pm | Zoom

This interactive workshop will showcase some hands-on experiences with using 3D objects from why they are useful in teaching to deploying them on Canvas. We will show you resources that are already available out there and how it can help the students to achieve higher levels of learning. By the end of the session, you would get insights on why 3D objects should be used, how to find or create them, how to deploy them on Canvas, possible learning activities, some lessons we learned along the way and new technologies for creating 3D objects.


  • Suzie Lavallee, Professor of Teaching, UBC Faculty of Forestry
  • Johana Wong, Project Coordinator

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Students Are Asking for This! Supporting Climate-and-Sustainability-Engaged Pedagogies in Your Courses

December 9, 2021 | 9 – 10:30 am | Zoom

Learn about three ways to engage with sustainability and climate education support offered at UBC: community engaged learning, applied sustainability projects (SEEDS), and coordinated guest lectures (Climate Teaching Connector). Participants will develop a concept map outlining how one or more of the three options presented can meet their course learning objectives and fit into their syllabus.

Facilitator and panelists:

  • Tara Ivanochko, Associate Professor of Teaching, EOAS; Academic Director UBC Sustainability Initiative
  • Pablo Akira Beimler, Co-Senior Project Manager, Climate Emergency | USI
  • Georgia Stanley, Climate Response Applied Research Coordinator, SEEDS Sustainability Program
  • Allison Earl, SALA adjunct and USI fellow
  • Lisa Brunner
  • Nigel Deans
  • Kyle Nelson

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A Virtual Introduction to UBC Studios

December 9, 2021 | 11 am – 12 pm | Zoom

UBC Studios’ mission is to make UBC a leader in innovative use of media for teaching, learning, research and communications around the world. UBC Studios offers a wide array of professional and Do-It-Yourself media solutions, supported by experienced staff that can help UBC faculty and instructors navigate through the changing times and gradual transition in pedagogical practices towards the digital landscape. This studio tour will introduce you to our current professional and DIY services and facilities.


  • Saeed Dyanatkar, Executive Producer UBC Studios
  • Nadia Picco, Team Lead UBC Studios
  • Christopher Spencer, Producer UBC Studiosn
  • Michael Sider, Producer UBC Studios
  • Andrew Wang, Media Specialist UBC Studios

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Hybrid Courses: Lessons Learned from Multi-Campus Instruction

December 9, 2021 | 1 – 2:30 pm | Zoom

Courses taught using information communication technologies (ICTs) that span campuses offer many benefits to students, instructors, and institutions, but broad questions remain on how technology and pedagogy may work together to maximize the student learning experience and promote equity and inclusion. In this session we examine case studies from regions around the world, reflect on pedagogical effectiveness within the associated context, and collaboratively examine best practices appropriate to Canadian universities.


  • Christoph Sielmann, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Casey Keulen, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Materials Engineering

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Promoting Inclusion and Accessibility through Universal Design for Learning Panel

December 9, 2021 | 2:30 – 4 pm | Zoom

Join us in this session as we learn from UBC instructors who have embraced UDL principles, and the strategies they use in their course designs and with their curricular resources. They will share stories of how these strategies have promoted an inclusive classroom dynamic. Their examples will give session participants some ideas of how they can start implementing UDL practices into their courses to make them more inclusive. Participants will have opportunities to share practices that they already use and consider new ways to improve on the design of their courses.


  • Afsaneh Sharif, CTLT Faculty Liaison
  • Nausheen Shafiq, CTLT Curriculum Consultant
  • Sue Hampton. Educational Consultant, CTLT


  • Meghan Allen, Associate Professor of Teaching, UBC Computer Science
  • Strang Burton, Associate Professor of Teaching, UBC Linguistics
  • Tamara Ebl, Lecturer, CPA-CA UBCO Faculty of Management

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