2018 Summer Institute

Welcome & Get Ready for the Academic Year

Monday, Aug. 20 | 9 – 9:30 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

At this welcome session, you will learn about how CTLT may support your teaching and learning needs, discuss UBC’s teaching and learning related strategic priorities, and hear about what your fellow faculty members consider to be the main challenges and enablers for their teaching at UBC.
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Developing Course Goals & Learning Objectives

Monday, Aug. 20 | 9:45 – 11 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

As you design or redesign your course, have you considered what you intend your students should take away from your course? What they should be able to know/do/feel by the end? Have you considered how these larger goals can be broken down into smaller objectives that can be addressed within each class of the course? If you are interested in exploring these questions and in developing or refining your course goals and learning objectives, we invite you to join this workshop.
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Space of Connection

Monday, Aug. 20 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. | IKBLC, Level 2 Foyer

Join us in an informal session to meet new colleagues, reflect on your professional development goals, and learn about the various features of this Space of Connection and how best to utilize this space throughout the Summer Institute!
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Exploring Reconciliation in Teaching and Learning at UBC

Monday, Aug. 20 | 1 – 3 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Would you like to develop your own awareness about the TRC and how this relates to teaching and learning at UBC? Perhaps you have been thinking about how to approach topics related to reconciliation in your teaching this academic year, and are looking a place to start and supportive community with which to consider these questions. Are you interested in exploring what taking action might look like and how to support your students to think critically about these topics and their roles as learners? If you are interested in exploring these questions, we invite you to join this workshop!
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Approaching Teaching as a Scholarly Activity: Getting Started with Research in the Classroom

Monday, Aug. 20 | 1 – 3 p.m. | IKBLC, Chilcotin Room (Room 256)

Join us in an engaging and interactive session to learn why you may want to conduct research on your own teaching and how to get started on doing so! In this panel discussion, you will learn from faculty members experiences and stories as they engage in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
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Small Teaching

Tuesday, Aug. 21 | 9 – 10:30 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Inspired by James Lang’s Small Teaching, we invite you to join us in exploring how to create meaningful learning through the small, everyday decisions you make in engaging in classroom practice and communicating with your students. In this interactive workshop, you will experience various active learning techniques and have opportunities to incorporate them into your own teaching context in a supportive environment.
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Can I Use This? Exploring Copyright & Open Education Resources

Tuesday, Aug. 21 | 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

If you are preparing resources for your teaching, from PowerPoint slides to online modules, chances are you’ll want to incorporate readings, images, video clips, problem sets, or other materials from different sources. This session will focus on the pragmatic elements of reuse, the essentials of copyright, and the basics of working with open educational resources that are licensed to allow revision and reuse.
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Supporting Student Wellbeing Using Online Resources

Tuesday, Aug. 21 | 1:30  – 3:30 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Supporting student learning can seem complex as there are many factors that impact learning (e.g. design of materials, access to materials, relevance of content). In addition to these factors, instructors also need to consider how to support learning during “class time” as well as outside of “class time” for courses offered face-to-face and online. In this session, we will refer to research about the importance of using teaching practices that support student wellbeing from the UBC Wellness Center and the needs assessment phase of the Learning Technology Environment Renewal project and we will explore how to create and use online resources to support student wellbeing.
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Inclusive Course Design

Tuesday, Aug. 21 | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. | IKBLC, Chilcotin Room (Room 256)

In this session, we will discuss student diversity and introduce you to principles of inclusive course design, which begin by examining who your students are and ways you can make the course relevant to them.
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Using Learning Analytics to Improve Student Learning

Wednesday, Aug. 22 | 9 – 10:30 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Using course data to evaluate and improve learning is a key aspects of Learning Analytics and can be a useful evidence-based tool for helping both instructors and students achieve success in their teaching and learning. This workshop will provide an overview to the emerging field of learning analytics.
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Green Folder & Early Alert Orientation

Wednesday, Aug. 22 | 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

UBC strives to build a caring community, in which we all reach out and offer support when we notice signs of difficulty in others. Join us to learn how to support students’ mental health and wellbeing.
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First Day of Class: Inclusion and Belonging in the Classroom

Wednesday, Aug. 22 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. | IKBLC, Chilcotin Room (Room 256)

The first day of class is a great opportunity for instructors to start off their course right! This workshop is highly interactive and generative – please join us to share your stories, experiences, and ideas, and to learn from and with other participants to develop an action plan for the first day of your class.
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UBC Studios Hands-on Tour

Wednesday, Aug. 22 | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. | UBC Studios, University Services Building Room 0110

This hands-on studio tour will introduce you to our current and new services and facility. Join us to explore how to incorporate new educational media in your classrooms!
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Designing Successful Research Assignments

Wednesday, Aug. 22 | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. | IKBLC, Lillooet Room (Room 301)

Creating research assignments for your course can be more difficult than expected. In this session, we will explore the major stumbling blocks for students when engaging with research assignments and learn about the necessary tools to design assignments that are reflective of undergraduate student skill levels.
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Teaching and Learning Technologies Orientation & Training

Thursday, Aug. 23 | 9 – 10:30 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

In this interactive workshop, you will have the opportunity to familiarize with various teaching technologies on offer at UBC. We will engage in the process of establishing key pedagogical principles to help us in selecting the most appropriate technological tool to support student learning and experiences. Please bring a laptop to this session. If you do not have a laptop, please let us know in advance to allow us enough time to arrange one for you.
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Experiential Learning and University Teaching: Exploring Emotion and Supporting Experiential Pedagogies across Disciplinary Contexts

Thursday, Aug. 23 | 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Amid the release of a new UBC Strategic Plan and increased calls to integrate Experiential Learning (EL) into higher education, there is a growing need to unpack what it means for learning to be “experiential.” Join us to gain an awareness of emotions-as-experiences in the classroom, strategize ways to engage with “the pedagogy of discomfort,” and brainstorm additional EL techniques that can be taken up to enrich various teaching contexts and topics!
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II-Design Lab Series — Motivation and Context

Thursday, Aug. 23 | 1 – 4 p.m. | IKBLC, Chilcotin Room (Room 256)

In this workshop, participants will consider your own motivations and interests for integrating Indigenous perspectives and topics in your course, aspects of your teaching contexts that may either support or challenge your efforts, and strategies for setting goals and mobilizing support. Through interactive, blended learning activities and peer-to-peer discussion, we will also explore introductory learning resources that may help provide background for introducing Indigenous topics related to your course content.

Emerging Media Lab Orientation

Thursday, Aug. 23 | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. | Neville Scarfe Building, Room 1

This 90-minute orientation introduces the available tools and resources at the Emerging Media Lab, including an overview of the current virtual and augmented reality projects, in-depth discussions on the educational applications of each technology, and how you can get involved in experimenting with these technologies in your classrooms.
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First Year Educators’ Forum

Thursday, Aug. 23 | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

As a follow up to the successful launch of the campus-wide First Year Educators’ Symposium earlier this year, we invite all Faculty to participate in this forum. Faculty members who teach first year students in any discipline are invited to come together to make connections with other instructors and with staff who support the first year experience through the University’s orientation and transition programs.
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Building Inclusive Learning Environments in STEM

Friday, Aug. 24 | 9 – 11 a.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

This workshop focuses on how to make science more inclusive by incorporating historical and social context of scientific knowledge into course curriculum. This workshop will be interactive and emphasize collective learning. We encourage participants to bring course syllabi and share how they have built inclusive learning environments.
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Implementing the Peer Assessment Training Workshop on CANVAS

Friday, Aug. 24 | 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. | IKBLC, Seminar Room (Room 2.22)

Please note: Refreshment and lunch will be provided at this session!
Research has shown peer assessment to be reliable and valid enough for grading purposes, but students in introductory courses do not trust their own and others’ abilities to conduct peer assessments. In this session, we will share the process for implementing the Peer Assesment Training workshop on CANVAS. This will be a hands-on session, intended for instructors who wish to be walked through each of the steps required for building the workshop into their CANVAS course. Session participants should bring their own laptop, and are also encouraged to bring their own instructional materials: (1) assignment descriptions, (2) rubric that students will use to review peer’s work and (3) sample work that students can use to practice their peer assessment skills.
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Thunder in Our Voices: An Interactive Inquiry-Based Educational Program

Friday, Aug. 24 | 1 – 3 p.m. | IKBLC, Chilcotin Room (Room 256)

Thunder in Our Voices is an interactive inquiry-based educational program created by Drew Ann Wake and led by the generous contributions from a number of Northern Indigenous community partners. Please join us to listen to the experiences of two educators who have integrated Thunder in Our Voices into their classrooms. As part of this session participants will have the opportunity to get hands on experience with the Thunder in Our Voices program materials, explore a variety of the activities that these educators did in their classrooms and discover ways that this project could be brought into their classrooms in the future.
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