These sessions are focused on things you can do when planning or designing a lesson to make your teaching have more of an impact. When we design lessons, we can bring in considerations about how learning actually works and how we can help students change the way they think and interact with the disciplines or professions they are learning about.
In order to complete the theme, you much register for and complete each of the sessions listed below. In addition, you must complete the pre-session module before the institute begins, and the post session module after the final session in the theme. If you complete the whole theme, you will be eligible for a signed letter of completion to be placed in your Teaching Portfolio.
Design Thinking in Teaching
How do we take a design approach to create a successful lesson? In this workshop, we will discuss common challenges in lesson planning and develop a toolkit of best practices and strategies to generate meaningful learning experiences for learners. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- Identify common practices in lesson design and assess pitfalls and promises in implementation
- Transform your current design practice and develop a toolkit to generate meaningful learning experiences for your learners
- Appreciate the value of coherence within the lesson and alignment to your professional discipline
Please join us for this interactive workshop to explore and learn more about design thinking in teaching.
The 2017 TA Institute has ended. For details on this workshop, see its event description.
Metacognition, Lifelong Learning, and Disciplinary Practice
Metacognition, Lifelong Learning, and Disciplinary Practice – “..teach them to fish, and they will eat for a lifetime.” As teachers, we are often looking to help our students become lifelong learners in not only our own disciplines but also in their wider lives in general. But does simply “covering” content actually accomplish that goal? In this session, we will examine the idea of metacognition as a distinct and valuable practice in teaching and learning; covering the way practitioners plan, monitor, and evaluate their own work. We will develop some strategies, within our own disciplines, to help learners not simply know what a practitioner knows, but start to think the ways a practitioner thinks.”
The 2017 TA Institute has ended. For details on this workshop, see its event description.
Experiential Learning: Concept and its Application in Lesson Planning
“Experience plus Reflection = Learning” – John Dewey. Building on the earlier work of John Dewey, the educational theorist David Kolb proposes a “learning cycle” comprising different stages by which learning happens through the transformation of the learner’s experience. In this workshop you will explore Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, discuss its value in your teaching contexts, and find ways of integrating this model into your lesson planning and teaching. Join us for an interactive session to connect this important teaching model with your teaching practice.
The 2017 TA Institute has ended. For details on this workshop, see its event description.
Please note – In order to qualify for the letter of completion for this theme:
- You must attend and complete all three of the sessions listed above
- The pre-session work must be completed before 8:00 am on January 10, 2017
- The post-session work must be completed between 5:30 pm on January 12 and 5:30 pm on January 23
Pre-session work
Post-session work
- Design Thinking in Teaching Presentation
- Active Learning Techniques for Higher Education
- 90-min Lesson Planning Template
- Incorporating Kolb’s cycle in your lesson plan
- Metacognition – Tanner